
Posts Tagged ‘deranged mind’


PKD realized this world is deranged, to the point it destroys any attempts to heal it. But the physician (the plasmate) is moved by love, and risks all to plant the seeds of knowledge: that this psychosomatic illness is easily treated, once one becomes aware of what it is that is really wrong. The homoplasmate enables healing, at least among those who seek it, desire it, allow it. It is the anti-virus, the meta-virus. It is the outstretched hand of the universe, eternally waiting for a response to its invitation. It is beauty. It is love. It is the physician. It is what enables us to put the pieces (of the Deranged Mind) back together. From the disparate pieces emerges the One, the All, the Light. The heavenly chorus sings Hallelujah; the golden cords illuminated stretch from each of us, to each of us. We become connected—online, mechanomorphically speaking.


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We must trust ourselves. We’ve been filled with a lot of bullshit (time, money, religion, government, morals, etc.) while at the same time denied acknowledgment of vitally important and real phenomena (our experiences, for example). It drives us crazy, being born into and raised by the “Deranged Mind” (a term coined by Philip K. Dick). We must be honest with ourselves about what we experience—all manners of experience. We must communicate and share these experiences, so we can collectively remember what is “real.” We need to experience rather than be told. It’s human nature, our Will. Right and wrong merely contain all possibilities. It is among the possibilities we find the key ring to the gates of the Black Iron Prison.


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Ordinary time demands our attention to keep the clocks going. Those for whom time has stopped, we are blessed with immortality. We join the universe in its waiting, waiting, waiting…for what? We wait for the Deranged Mind and the disparate members of the human experience to awaken and cognize, to incarnate spiritually and psychically, to identify the One within us All, and to identify the All within each One

The Ministry of the Now Emergency invites you to take the day off to catch up on your sleep. It invites you to take tomorrow off too, and lay under the trees, beneath the warm shiny sun, to feel each caress of Earth breathe. And the next day too, you should take that day off and catch up with your friends. Find out what they’ve been thinking and doing; see what they’ve determined by taking their time off and living in the moment.


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