
Posts Tagged ‘food’


As I sit here, having just finished my winter grapefruit, savoring the tingly succulence of my newly awakened tongue, I think of all the times I’ve eaten fruit when my experience was hindered by the presence of overzealous seeds.

Call them “pits,” call them “pips,” either way you label them, these little necessities of life have remained a thorn in my otherwise comfortable critique of genetically modified foods and the idea of “civilization” as a whole. I am aware of the role they play, and yet still sometimes loath their presence. I get frustrated with interrupted bites, but am aware of the lesser, worse option: edible laboratories. And yet, still, seeds are an example of the tiny points at which my allegiance to comfort rests on the idea that the world around me should be redesigned to fit my own desires.


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Time always passed... 13th or 14th century Runic Calendar found in Lapland.

It’s easy to think of the holidays as being few and far between. This perception, however, as we have seen here at These New Old Traditions, is basically false. Holidays are certainly special, but they are also plentiful. Days to mark and honor the passing year are constantly popping up—at least once a month—no matter what New Old Tradition a Reveler feels most aligned with.

Despite this abundance, These New Old Traditions is also aware that specific holidays are not the only opportunity we have to honor this special planet, and our special relationship to it. The question is: How in our crowded calendars and concrete landscapes can Revelers such as us remember to stay connected to our ordinary days?


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