
Posts Tagged ‘maximon’

The Water Path includes taking part in cleansing fires, much like smudges, but it is the internal part of the path. It is a path of cleansing, of emptying the glass of its contaminated contents and refilling from the font of the universe with love and right thinking. Our first steps on the path were to learn the animal nature of each of the 20 days in a Maya month. There are 20 spirits within the Maya calender, each with its own day, and 13 numbers, symbolizing the interaction of the solar and lunar years. That leaves 260 combinations of numbers and energies, each with distinct goals and advantages, as well as common trouble spots. It is possible with a birth date to read the horoscope of a person, to see how the energies of the universe combined on your first birthday, the day you were born, the day you were 1 solar year old and saw the sun for the first time.


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My partner Mike and I have been following a winding path for some time now, having begun long before we ever converged. Our paths have taken us through deserts, over mountains, across prairies and into the heart of volcanic lands. The path we’ve walked together has generally been guided by the spirit of the situation, and it has pushed us always toward more simple lifestyles, community-based activity, and allowing love to be felt and expressed more and more. These are active themes and often what drive us forward from one place to the next. With that in mind, we traveled south to Guatemala to study the Maya cosmovision.


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