
Posts Tagged ‘wind divination’

We stare into the burning fire
And see in their resplendent light
The granting of our heart’s desire
Or else the terrors of the night.

From tarot card reading to the study of bird flight, there are many different forms of divination, but in my opinion the most reliable ones are all related to fire.

Now, I should probably admit that I’m a bit of a firebug. From candlelight to bonfires, flames never fail to capture my interest. Maybe there’s some subconscious longing in me for the warmth and security which came from ancient hearth fires.

There are a number of ways in which fire can be used for divination, some of them more practical than others. The practice of fire gazing for example, whilst it is for me an amazing experience which I would recommend to anyone, wouldn’t be ideal for apartment-dwellers or people with shared gardens. Instead, I would love to share with you a few ways in which fire can be used in divination on a more everyday basis.

Note: When using fire for divination, make sure that you are not wearing any loose clothing and that your hair is tied back. You should always have some way of putting out fires to hand and be careful that you handle fire with respect.


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